34 items total
48888 0w600h600 Creme Fromagere Brie Meaux Truffe Ete
Premium produkt
136 Kč

This unctuous cream from the Bernard Marot workshop is made with the famous Brie de Meaux, an emblematic French cheese, and enhanced with the subtle aromas of summer truffles,...

CA6AA292 5684 4222 AED2 124F83CADC18
100 Kč
0744851 XZ1
Garlic bread - Pain à l'ail
Not available at the moment
50 Kč
321540 XZ1 1966-SDP8
100 Kč

INGREDIENCE Zelené olivy*, rehydratovaná sušená rajčata, voda, extra panenský olivový olej*, červený vinný ocet*, česnek*, kmín*, mletý černý pepř*. * Ingredience z...

Tapenade Olive Noir 180g
90 Kč

Tapenade Black Olive - 180g Tapenadine Olivade Noire This black olive tapenade can be served on toast as an aperitif. You can also offer it as an accompaniment to a fish.

Tapenade Olive Verte 180g
100 Kč

Tapenade Green oliv 180g INGREDIENTS :  Green olives, rapeseed oil, capers, salt, natural flavor.